Arya Samaj Mandir Sant Nagar Burari (9999423333)

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Arya Samaj Mandir Sant Nagar Burari

Q1. What is Arya Samaj Marriage?

A.  In an Arya Samaj Marriage,

     The marriage is solemnized / performed in accordance with Vedic rites. In Arya Samaj Marriage, pooja is not performed to any specific deity as Arya Samaj doesn’t believe in idol worship; fire and the other elements are the only witnesses to the marriage ceremony. After the performance of marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir provides Marriage Certificate to the married couple.
     As per the wishes and option of the parties the Arya Samaj Marriage can be got registered before a Marriage Registrar, and thereafter,Arya Samaj Mandir Sant Nagar Burari
     The Marriage Registrar provides Marriage Certificate to the Married Couple.

Q2. Who may perform Arya Samaj Marriage?

     Any person who are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs can perform Arya Samaj Marriage.
     Any person who are not Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews can also perform Arya Samaj Marriage.
     Inter-Caste Marriages and Inter-Religious Marriages can also be performed in a Arya Samaj Marriage provided none of the marrying persons are Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews.
     If any of the marrying persons are Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews, and out of their free will and consent are ready to convert and embrace Hindu Religion, the Arya Samaj Mandir perform a ritual called “shuddhi”, meaning purification for such conversion, and thereafter, such a convert can perform Arya Samaj Marriage. Arya Samaj Mandir Sant Nagar Burari

Q3. What are the procedural, documentary, and other Requirements for Arya Samaj Marriage?

The marriage is solemnized / performed in accordance with Vedic Rites,
     Marrying persons must have documentary evidence of their date of birth,
     Marrying persons must have documentary evidence of their place of residence,
     Marrying persons must be accompanied by two persons who are ready and willing to witness their marriage,
     Such persons acting as witnesses must have their own residential proof,
     In a Arya Samaj Marriage, the marrying persons get the legal status of Husband and Wife just by performing their marriage as per Vedic Rites.

Q4. What are the Conditions for Arya Samaj Marriage?

     There should not be subsisting valid marriage of either of the parties with any other person. Monogamy is now the rule.
     The parties should be competent in regards to their age. The age prescribed for the bridegroom is twenty-one (21) years and bride is eighteen (18) years.
     The parties should be competent in regards to their mental capacity. Neither parties should be suffering from unsoundness of mind of such a nature as to be unable to give valid consent for the marriage, or suffering from mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent as to be unfit for marriage and procreation of children, or has been subject to recurrent attacks of insanity.
     The parties should not fall within the degree of prohibited relationship.

Q5. Why Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage is getting popular day by day?


     You are in a hurry to get marriage certificate, may be, you are leaving for abroad, or need marriage certificate for a Bank Loan, or for Spouse VISA processing; reasons for hurrying the marriage may be endless: –
            You can plan for Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage within minutes and go about within hours and complete the whole marriage procedures within a couple of hours….. That’s it! You have your Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage Certificate in your hand and you are married as husband and wife.
            Simplicity is the hallmark of Arya Samaj Mandir Marriages.
            The complete ceremony lasts from about 15 minutes in some cases to about two hour in other cases.
     You would have spent the least possible money in your marriage. If you are money conscious and want to spend the least possible amount in your marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage is the way out.
     Parents are not consenting for your marriage; parents are against your marriage; reasons they are citing for being against your marriage may be many, such as, caste difference, social and monetary status differences, social compulsions, etc., etc……… For you all these things do not matter……. Because you may be in love and want to perform love marriage, or you know she is right for you, She knows you are right for her. Go and get your marriage performed,
            Parents’ consent is not needed for your marriage…….. You are grownup and major,
            You do not need parent’s money as Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage is going to cost you only a few thousands,
            You do not need parents or relatives presence in your marriage. Only two witnesses are needed, who may be anybody including your parents, siblings, friends or anybody.
………Indeed, if parents had consented for your marriage that would have been great and made your married life a lot easier.

Q1. What is Marriage Registration before a Marriage Registrar?

     You have already performed your ceremonial Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage in a Gurudwara, Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage, however, by way of proof of your marriage, you only have marriage photographs, marriage video, Arya Samaj Certificate or Gurudwara Certificate or Nikah Nama or Church Marriage Certificate, but you are in need for Marriage Certificate issued by some Government Statutory Bodies,
     Your Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage in a Gurudwara, Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage is perfectly legal and valid all over India, however, by way of proofs of your marriage, many institutions even in India do not accept your marriage photographs, marriage video, Arya Samaj Certificate or Gurudwara Certificate or Nikah Nama or Church Marriage Certificate; further, foreign embassies in India and foreign countries outside India  do not recognise your marriage as legal and valid,
     Still further, Hindu Marriage Act and Rules made under it do not provide for performance of marriage before a Marriage Registrar,
     And hence,
           Hindu Marriage Act and Rules made under it provides for Registration of a already performed Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage in a Gurudwara before a Marriage Registrar,
           Special Marriage Act and Rules made under it provides for Registration of a already performed Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage, and marriage performed in any other forms
       so that you have your Marriage Certificate issued by Government Statutory Body which is recognised all over India and all over world.

Q2. What are the Legal aspects to be noted for Marriage Registration?

     Registration of Marriage does not confer any legal status of Husband and Wife and is Optional till date. However, registration of marriage provides Legal Proof of Marriage in the form of Marriage Certificate.
     There is no time limit within which you should get your marriage registered after the performance of marriage; and hence, after performance of marriage, registration of marriage can be done after lapse of any period of time, may be after years together.
     Hindu Marriage Act and Rules made under it provides for Registration of a already performed Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage in a Gurudwara between two Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs or marriages of the persons who are not Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews, marriages of the persons who have converted and embraced Hindu Religion before performance of marriage.
     Special Marriage Act and Rules made under it provides for Registration of a already performed Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage, and marriages performed in any other forms.

Q3. What are the Benefits of Registration of Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage, Anand Marriage, Muslim Marriage, Christian Marriage, and marriages performed in any other forms?

     Ceremonial Marriage is not recognized by foreign embassies in India and Foreign Countries outside India. For the proof of marriage in foreign embassies in India and Foreign Countries outside India, you need to have Marriage Registration Certificate. While applying for Spouse VISA, the foreign Embassies ask for Marriage Registration Certificate. And Hence, if a husband or wife want to travel outside India on spouse visa then Hindu Marriage Registration Certificate is a must, or
     If the persons want to get married against the Will of their Elders and Family Members – Marriage Registration Certificate provide protection against false and fraudulent Civil as well as Criminal cases filed by the warring elders and family members of the spouses such as Missing, Abduction, Kidnapping, Rape etc.
     In the unhappy circumstances of disputes (whether civil or criminal) between the spouses relating to divorce, dowry, maintenance and other cases, Marriage Registration Certificate provide protection against false denial of marriage by either of the spouses.
     Many institutions in India also have started asking for Marriage Certificate issued by Marriage Registrar by way of Proof of Marriage.

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