Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi 9999423333

Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi

Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi.Couples, including those stuck by cupid, in Varanasi are still fixated more on caste in choosing their partners and giving a big ‘ no- no’ to inter caste marriage despite the government doling out incentives up to Rs 1 lakh to those breaking the social order.Latest data shows that less than 1000 couples have chosen to avail the marriage promotion grant scheme for inter –caste marriage promotion in the state in the last three years.

Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi.In 2017-18, 435 couples availed the grant, the highest in last three years. A break-up of beneficiaries of the grant scheme shows that in 2014-15, barely 252 couples benefitted while in 2015-16, their number was 254. In 2016-17, 271 couples went for inter-caste marriage.

The scheme, started in 1979, is meant only for Hindus and those availing the scheme have to register their marriage legally.Education has broadened the periphery of thinking and helped people develop analytical powers. It has not only altered their perception about life, but also about social concerns such as marriage and relationship. Inter caste and inter religion marriages serves as a beacon light for social equality. In order to break the perils of caste-system, it has becomes incumbent that there should be inter-caste marriages. Marriage is mostly dependent on true love and feeling and once this is achieved, caste and religion all becomes secondary issues.Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi.

Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi

However, the initiative did not deliver the desired result. Records from social welfare department, which runs the scheme, show that Rs 13 crore was allocated for the grant scheme from 2015-16 to 2017-18 but only Rs 5.27 crore was spent. A sum of Rs 7.73 crore had to be surrendered as the money could not be utilised due to lack of beneficiaries.

Invariably, the low rate of inter-caste marriage in the state is indicative of how the society at large transcending economic status of people is still protective of its caste identity and does not allow its children to break the caste barrier in choosing life partners.

Social scientists do agree that inter-caste marriage in the state is still considered a social taboo though it is not as intense as in states likeVaranasi and UP where honour killings have been on the rise in recent years due to young boys and girls choosing to marry outside their caste.Inter Cast Marriage in Varanasi.


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