Marriage Certificate Office Vikas Nagar 9999423333

Marriage Certificate Office Vikas Nagar

Marriage Certificate Office Vikas Nagar A marriage which has already been solemnized can be register either under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs or where they have converted into any of these religions. Where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs the marriage is registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. certificate is a legal document or legal proof of the validity of marriage between the couple. In our country marriage will be performed like a festival with gathering of lots of people and relatives and everybody eager to attend the marriage of his/her relative. All the people make their presence for giving their blessing to the bride and bridegroom and made the witness themselves of these beautiful moments of the life of marriage couple. So earlier nobody feels requirements of register the marriage. But now day’s registration of marriage is also the part of the marriage. It is very essential document for the couple in a very kind of

Marriage Certificate Office Vikas Nagar

NRI Marriage– out of the 5 marriages 1 is NRI marriage, in this marriage either bride or bridegroom was NRI and he/she lives in foreign country and also wants to bring his/her spouse with foreign. But when they solemnized the marriage in India and want to live in other country then one problem is create for the spouse that law of the other country not recognized the marriage. In other word we can say that they don’t say this marriage to valid in absence of the any marriage certificate given by the recognized authority of the concerned government.

Runaway Marriage- Today’s world is the youth world and youth never ready to listening the others. In our society the ratio of the love marriage and run away marriage (bhag ker shadi)is day by day increased and solemnized the marriage in any temple and Gurudawra in the absence of any relative or friend. Because  most of the marriage were solemnized without the consent of the parents. However, all for this remedy is different. But one another problem is, sometimes after the marriage couple realized that they solemnized the marriage too early, they are not for each other or sometime money problem. Then one of the either boy or girl trying to escape from this marriage for the giving the reason that there is no valid proof of marriage or sometimes parents of the boy or girl denying this marriage or trying perfume the marriage of the boy or girl.

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