Marriage Certificate Agents In Meerut 18001200644


Marriage Certificate Agents In Meerut

 Marriage Certificate Agents In Meerut .There are rules that you must abide by, when it comes to marriages. The rules for marriage were framed with a focus on the welfare of both parties.

There are rules that you must abide by, when it comes to marriages. The rules for marriage were framed with a focus on the welfare of both parties. Its aim is to create a strong base for the family that is going to be formed by two mature, independent individuals. Only if the age criterion is satisfied and there is mutual consent, there can be legal and emotional space to begin a new life.

Marriages are made in heaven. All things that come from there are beautiful and so is your wedding! In spite of the hurry burry and chaos of shopping and grooming for your wedding, days seem like years to wait for the day. And there it finally comes! Once you tie the knot, you take a deep breath of accomplishment. But wait, there’s one task at the end of the list that most people tend to miss. Yeah! That’s registering your marriage.

We find great pleasure in registering your marriages and helping you to get marriage certificates. Getting a marriage certificate is not a complicated task, when we are with you. Our team will guide you on how to get a marriage certificate in Meerut. And I bet you’ll feel blessed to have contacted us.

To begin with, there are simple procedures that you must follow. Make sure that you check the conditions before you can apply for a marriage certificate. The Indian laws pertaining to marriage are framed to suit the customs of different religions and practices. Various acts have been passed related to marriages, with a view on all categories of people.

  • It is essential to identify the category that your marriage falls under, before you register your marriage.
  • It could be under the Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act.
  • While the Hindu Marriage Act can only register the marriage, the Special Marriage Act can solemnize and register it.

After you find the category in which your marriage fits in, you must then seek information about the documents that are to be submitted while registering your marriage. Each category may require different documents that are mandatory for getting a marriage certificate.

Documents may include:-

  • Application form signed by the husband and wife,
  • Date of birth evidence,
  • Address proof,
  • Affidavit by both parties specifying the place and date of marriage, marital status at the time of marriage and nationalities of the two parties.
  • There is also a requirement for one photograph taken on the marriage and passport size photographs of the husband and wife.
  • If the bride or groom is a convert, the certificate of conversion must be submitted. This must be obtained from the priest who solemnized the wedding.
  • From the priest, the certificate of marriage must also be obtained and submitted for marriage registration.
  • An affirmation that the parties are not within the degree of prohibited relationship is also required.
  • If it is a remarriage, then the divorce decree or death certificate of the spouse (whichever is applicable) must be submitted.

We make marriage registration a simple process. Just leave your details with us today and get your holy bonding certified very soon. Don’t forget that marriage certificate is an absolutely essential document.

Marriage Certificate Agents In Meerut.

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